by Rajah Travel Corp
You must have heard it before: Travel agencies and travel agents are a dying breed. Nowadays, people intending to save money spend hours on the "do-it-yourself" booking. They either book via airline websites like, or via airline comparative sites like,
You or someone you know may have had this experience. Booking a trip tends to be an extremely stressful, grueling undertaking. You can spend hours online searching for deals on flights, bouncing from one website to another in pursuit of that perfect price.
Just going online, you are exposed to a countless number of travel products and services that sifting through all that information can be time consuming and tiring. That is why travel agents and travel agencies are making a comeback. There is simply so much information that you need a guide to help you cut through the all the travel information that is available and help you have the epic travel experience you have always imagined.
Here are our 7 reason why it pays to book with travel agent:
1. You Save Time
When you book through a travel agency, you save time. It is the daily job of the travel agent to sift through countless travel information and flight details. They have access to more information so that they can easily compare and provide better flight deals for you based on your budget. With a travel agent, you can spend more time planning what you want to do in your travel than being busy looking for good rates.
2. You Save Money
Some people shy away from using a travel agent because they think they'll be charged extra for the agent's services. While some do charge for their research and work, most travel agents make money through commission from suppliers. In fact, travel agents help you look for travel deals that help you save money. Sometimes, they also have time to cancel tickets for free, compared with to some non-refundable tickets sold on the Web. Travel agents have access to more travel deal information than us.
3. You Get Options
Have you ever experienced eating at a buffet restaurant and you see like 100 choices of culinary delights that you can't decide which to eat first? Same thing happens when we have to look at so many travel options that we tend to have difficulty deciding. Travel agents can be one of your greatest assets because not only will they help you book a trip, but they can help build your most memorable trip.
4. You Get To Use Their Connections
You'd be surprised how extensive the connections of travel agents are. Having access to a travel agent's insiders makes it just an overall better customer service experience than going at it alone. Travel agents who book a lot of flights develop strong relationships with sales representatives.
5. You Experience the Real
We all like researching online before we travel, and it is good that we do that. However, the right travel agent will help enlighten you about trip options you may not be able to find in blogs. Because of the travel agent's extensive connections, they can help find out what the real local find is, whether that be a secret small café that popular actors or actresses go to, or hidden waterfalls that only the locals know about.
6. You Are Guaranteed Up To Date Information
Flawless travel plans lie in the details, and travel agents are experts when it comes to handling those details. A case example could be booking a flight in a country not realizing the distance of the airport and traffic congestion in getting there which can end with you missing your flight, thus, costing you more money.
7. You Can Troubleshoot
Despite extensive travel planning, you might encounter some bumps on your trip. But having a travel agent to handle unforeseen circumstances for you can make your travel experience less stressful.
Just a side note, travel agents don't discount the value of online travel booking sites, which can be useful for booking simple, short trips, but complex itineraries require more expertise from a professional and this is where your travel agent can help you out the most.
How about you? What do you think?